Sunday, October 19, 2008

loosing teeth and making money.....

A couple weeks ago Sara lost a tooth and yes, the tooth fairy left her a dollar. I think a dollar is a little steep for a tooth, but they say with inflation teeth cost more than they use too.
This past week I heard an interesting conversation between Sandra and Sara. They were discussing their money situation or the lack there of. They were trying to figure out how they could buy some candy, when I heard one of them pipe up, I guess we just need to loose more teeth!!!
With this economic situtation,
it got me thinking.....I wonder how much my teeth would bring.......


Dawn said...

you are tooooo funny!!

Unknown said...

too funny!!

coblentz said...

I am so excited!!! You are blogging and its not so "yesterday" like xanga! :) Yeah, I know - I have a xanga site! I am yesterday! ANYWAY! Miss you guys and hope all is going well with you all.

Floyd - Wilma King said...

I love it!! Thanks for the laugh. And arn't children comments just the best??!! They keep me grinning!